Mahasen B. Dehideniya

University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka


I am a senior lecturer in Statistics attached to the Department of Statistics and Computer Science University of Peradeniya.

Since completing my PhD in September 2019 at QUT, I have dedicated my research endeavors to developing innovative methods and algorithms to enhance efficiency and accuracy of simulation-based inference techniques by exploiting machine learning techniques. I am particularly interested in automating the construction of informative summary statistics essential for approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) algorithms like ABC-SMC.

Research Interests

  1. Approximate Bayesian Computation
  2. Bayesian Experimental designs for complex models
  3. Spatial and spatio-temporal modelling


Mar 17, 2023 At BayesComp 2023, I presented my most recent work on learning summary statistics for likelihood-free Bayesian inference using tree-based methods.